Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Last Day of Volunteering

On my last day of volunteering, I had mixed feelings about the whole experience. I felt like I learned tons about the campaigning process. Plus, I feel like I could call up anyone now and not act awkward when I am talking to them. On the flip side, I still wonder how much of an impact I truly had on the election. I mean, how could my phone calls turn the tide in the election? Did all of those people vote for who they did because I took the time to call them? Unlikely. But I guess it does not hurt.

Oh well, this was a great experience overall. I would not have traded this experience for the world.

Another day volunteering

About a work-week after my first day volunteering for the Obama Campaign, I went back to make some more phone calls. However, this time I was not alone. Some of my friends from another gov. class were already in the office, calling people left and right. If I had a good time the first time I volunteered, Then the second time was amazing! Hanging out with my friends while talking with complete strangers on the phone was a blast. When our time was up, I did not want to leave. Even though I do not think I made that much of a difference in the overall scope of the election, it was fun believing that I was making a small impact on what may be one of the most historical elections in the past hundred years, if not in the history of America.

First day of Volunteer work

On October 22, I set out to volunteer for the Barack Obama Campain. I have to admit, I was a tad nervous. None of my friends could volunteer that day, so I had to walk up to total strangers and ask them if they needed any help getting their candidate elected. To my relief, they wanted my help. I was told that I could walk down a couple of buildings and help make phone calls. Just what I wanted.

Even though I did not recognize anyone, not a soul, I managed to not freak out. The site coordinator was this really kind guy who explained all that I will ever need to know about calling someone. He gave me a script, told me what to say if that rare someone wants to talk to you, where to check the boxes when you hear the all to common busy signal; the whole sha-bang.

After I watched the two other volunteers call a few people, I worked up the courage to make my first call. To my surprise, it was fun! After my tenth call, I was hooked. No matter what response I got, I answered with a smile in my voice and a kind word on my tongue. When I finally realized that I could go, I knew that I would be back.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Week 6-Election Post

This is it. The final days of the election process are upon us. It is time for America to chose. But for whom will the citizens of this fine country vote for?
I predict that Barack Obama is going to win the Presidential Election. More specifically, I believe that he will win a total of 311 electoral college votes, with McCain at a measly 203. Why do I predict such a huge victory for Obama, you ask? The recent Yahoo poll show Obama with a total of 318 electoral college votes. I believe that between now and election day, McCain might be able to win over another state or two. Anything is possible, right? But even if he does manage a victory in a couple more states, it will not be enough to beat the mighty Obama.
In the Senate race, I believe that Warner will triumph over Gilmore. And in the local House races, I believe that the running Democratic candidates will win over the Republicans. Virginia has been looking a little blue over the past couple of weeks, and I believe that the Democrats will be able to sweep the elections, at least in the Northern Part of the State, anyway.
Will these predictions come true? There is only one way to find out. If you are able, go out and vote on Tuesday. Make the right choice and vote for change (hint, hint). Then watch the results tomorrow night. I can't wait.