Monday, March 23, 2009

The final editorial...for now

The editorial, tilted Food for Thought, was quite informative. It commented on President Obama’s new idea on food safety. The President is hiring some new faces to help head the FDA, or Food and Drug Administration, in hopes that new management will help tighten up legislation concerning food regulation. The author commented on how Congress always seems to call for reform policies right after a food scare, like the contaminated peanut incident a while back, but never seems to follow up on all of its big talk. The author makes it clear to the reader that he/she believes that the change Obama’s team hopes to bring will be a positive step in the right direction for the Nation’s food industry.
The author makes a good point. After the peanut scare, many Americans hoped that the Government would step in and make the food of America safer to eat. Congress had given the idea to the people that something would be done. The fact that the new President is finally trying to clean up the food industry is a good sign to the citizens of this great country that the United States of America has a President who is willing to back his words with action. Now all Congress has to do is confirm his nominations so “they can get to work.”

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